The Best Way to Clean White Uniforms

Sep 13, 2022

What is the best way to clean white uniforms?

I’ve tried a couple different products, but this is my go to for cleaning white pants.

OxiClean spray 

OxiClean powder

OxiClean gel stick

I spray the OxiClean on the pants. If there are any grass stains I scrub them with the OxiClean Max Force Gel Stick. Then I let the pants sit for at least an hour. I add OxiClean Stain Remover Powder to my wash and wash the pants. If the stains are out then I dry them and DONE! If the stains are still there then I repeat the spray and gel stick. 

Here are other products recommended by youth sports parents.




Dawn Powerwash

CLR Sport Spray

Iron Out

What other tricks do you have for getting out stains?


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