5 Tips to Get Instant Parent Support

communicate consistently engage with positivity Feb 28, 2022

Are you tired of parents bothering you and you're ready to tell them just to shut up so you can coach?

Use these five tips to get some instant support so parents will be on your side instead on your back.

#1 Communicate about more than wins and stats

Sure it's great to win, but the whole game is about way more than just winning and stats. There are a ton of benefits to playing sports that make life better. The girls will grow through the season as better players and better people no matter how many Ws are in the win column. Softball develops high level character traits like responsibility, respect, honesty, kindness, humility, courage, generosity, authenticity, and ambition. The girls will grow as a team and individually. You know all this as a coach, but parents don't always get the big picture. As a coach you can help share your vision and goals for the team to parents to help them understand there's more to softball life than just wins and stats. A Team Vision Board is included in the Positive Sports Communities Clubhouse Membership


#2 Tell them about ALL the things

Maybe you think parents know all the things. Maybe they act like they do. But they don't. It's your job as the leader of the team to help them get all the correct information. Make sure they have a clear place to find out what they need for the team. Make sure they know how to access it. Remind them before things happens and have information in more than one place if possible. Be a clear as you can. The more they know, the better they can support you. I have compiled a list of EVERYTHING you need to communicate as a softball coach. A Total Team Communication Checklist is included in the Positive Sports Communities Clubhouse Membership.

#3 Even if you think they know it, tell them again

Even if you have a central place for all team information, it's important to communicate before important or big or new events. When something like the first game of the season happens, give them all the information they need again. It's always a good idea to restate your boundaries so that everyone is on the same page. I err on the side of giving information too many times rather than not enough. The parents who already know it won't mind seeing it again. The parents that missed it will appreciate you sending it out again. To make it easy for you, I've written an Email to Prepare Everyone for the Big Game. It is included as a template and a sample in the Positive Sports Communities Clubhouse Membership.

#4 Have a plan if things get tough

This game is emotional, there are high moments of joy and low moments of crushing heartbreak. Each one of us gets upset sometimes. It is possible that a parent will have an outburst at a coach. So be prepared. Plan what you will say and do if some catches you off guard in an emotional moment. I've written out my Response Plan for Emotional Outbursts and it is included in the Positive Sports Communities Clubhouse Membership!

#5 Recruit Help

Get support by asking for it. A coach's job has so much more to it than coaching the girls on the field. Recruit parent helpers to take care of the tasks you don't want or can't do alone. You likely have a few parents that you can trust to take care of some things. Be clear in what they can do to help, what you expect, and how you want it handled, then let them do it. Save time and reduce your stress by delegating. This will give you more time to spend on the coaching that you truly love and have a passion for. A list of parent helpers PLUS an email asking for volunteers is included in the Positive Sports Communities Clubhouse Membership.

BONUS! Quick and positive communication gives you an advantage

It is great to be positive when sending out an email and having a team meeting, but you want to know the real secret to getting parent support? They want to know you like their kid. They want you to know how great their kid is doing. The best part to this is, it's easy. The kid doesn't have to be a super star. The kid doesn't even have to be the best on the team. Heck, the kid doesn't even have to have talent. All you have to do is recognize who the kid is, what they do, and share something positive with their parents. I recommend texting parents randomly and saying something great. It could happen after a great game but really it could (and works best) happen for no reason at all. It builds rapport instantly. The kid feels seen and liked. The parents are happy and you get instant support. I've made this extra easy by giving you 15 positive texts to send to parents. You get it included in the Positive Sports Communities Clubhouse Membership.


What are things you do that give you instant parent support?

I’d love to help! 

Join my free Facebook Group, Positive Sports Communities, and share what you do for instant parent support. Share with us and you get to know other positive coaches and families from all around the country. This supportive group focuses on how we can be a positive force in the lives of our players. Free support, resources, and trainings are available to help make it easy to lead your team to become a community and get instant parent support.

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